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Saturday, August 23, 2003
Husband update: Keith was able to come home last Saturday, with instructions not to return to work (he is a college professor) until he saw his doctor on Thursday. He got the okay to return this Monday. They are still trying to figure out what set off the heart flutter, so his doctor is consulting various other doctors and specialists. Keith will see his heart doctor in another 6 weeks.They wanted to give him time to adjust to the new medication, so they can determine if he should remain on it or if they should change the medication or adjust dosages, etc. His doctor did say the results of the 24 hour urinalysis showed some unusual high readings in the enephrins which could mean a tumor on his adrenal gland. A tumor there causes the enephrin to go up which alone could cause the heart flutters. He is having and endicronoligist look over the results before getting anyone too excited over this. If the endicronologist determines this could be the cause Keith will have to go to the bigger hospital in Columbia for testing. That won't be for awhile yet, though. So at this point life is going to get back to normal for awhile.
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