What ZephyrBird thinks
Life According to Zephyr


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Tuesday, July 22, 2003

I'm guilty of ignoring my blog since my return. Things got a bit hectic...had a presentation to do at TOPS a day after I got back...then had to start on the August newsletter... today I HAD to spend the day at Lake Santee :-). We took a pontoon around the lake, had a cookout with lots of healthy foods, walked around and then just sat and talked. It was great fun! But alas it ended and I had to come back to my apartment. Which gets totally destroyed if left uncleaned for one day. So tomorrow it is cleaning day, laundry day, and get the oil changed in the car day. Thursday is TOPS day and Friday is Doctor day for my PAP smear and then meet up with another woman from TOPS who is now doing the scrapbook and needs some advice and help to get her started. One of the women today said with all my talents and abilities I should be doing something besides giving all my time to TOPS so she is going to find me a job where I can use them and earn money :-). Okay, no comments from the peanut gallery on where my best talents lie :-)... but wouldn't that be nice if she really could find me a job!!! I will try to be more faithful to my blog.

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