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Thursday, June 19, 2003
In a response to a recent blog, I made the comment that recently the words "choice" and "abortion" are becoming synonomous. And not just from the so-called pro-life people. Of course, they prefer to use the terms 'anti-life' or 'pro-death' rather than choice, but to them when you say you are pro-choice, they translate that to 'I believe only in the choice of abortion and no other choice.' And I have talked with pro-choice people, who when I say, for myself I would not, could not, have an abortion (and my past has proven I could not make this choice), jump on me and start arguing the pro-abortion stance. It is as if everyone is caught up in that one part of the word choice. To me pro-choice means I can choose!!! If I want to have an abortion, I can and I will. If I want to keep and raise the child, I can and I will. If I want to give the child up for adoption (my choice 30 years ago) I could and I did! I had a choice!!! And I did not HAVE to choose abortion just because it is available. I say thank goodness it is for those who need it, and I used to have a bumper sticker that said... Don't want an abortion, Don't have one. And I believe that to this day.
The anti-choice people need to get off that pro-death kick and realize what the word choice actually means. And I think we also need to regroup the pro-choice people and remind them that abortion is only one of the choices, not the only choice. Thank you for listening to my rant...
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