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Saturday, June 14, 2003
How Fair is This? My husband is a college professor. He teaches the first summer semester each year, for students who can't make it during the regular school session. This is an intense four week course which includes Saturdays. One of the students, who makes a point of letting everyone know she is a Reverend and should therefor have more respect than the other students. has written a letter of complaint....believe it or not... regarding noise BEFORE class starts. She has constantly yelled, belittled and spoke condescendingly to the other students because they would not sit in their seats, hands folded, quietly awaiting the arrival of the professor. She felt they should not talk to each other, wear headsets and play music, etc. She said this upset her so much she is forced to wait in the hallway for the arrival of the teacher and the other students call her names. She stated over and over this made it difficult for her to learn the material.
Okay, now did she go to my husband during his office hours to discuss the issue or to get extra help in areas where she is behind? No. She wrote a letter to the dean to which my husband now has to respond, taking more time out of his busy schedule. The point of my question is...is it fair for one student, who thinks she is above the others due to her Reverend status, to force the rest of the class to follow the rules she sets down for before class behaviour? And is it fair to write a letter to the dean regarding this, when as Victoria stated in a previous blog, this is like running to mommy saying Johnny called me a doo doo head. It seems to me this person is the one who is out of line. Any opinions?
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