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Monday, May 19, 2003
What a morning!! Well, actually this mornings activities started last Tuesday night. We have an asthmatic cat. Tuesday night he had an extremely bad attack. Calling the vet for 24 hour emergency service we learned that is no longer available. Our vet was the one who did most of that and she had recent back surgery so could no longer handle the emergency calls. Now, she is open Saturdays and no other vets are and she takes their emergency clients during her Saturday hours. But, because she no longer does it 24 hours a day they refuse to take her emergency patients at all. So, we called the emergency clinic in Columbia. Almost and hour and half away. Thank goodness we have a great neighbor who not only knew where the clinic is located, but went with me to help me find it. We got Mr. Fuzz stablized and finally got home around 4:30 A.M. Wednesday. He did fine Wed. but on Thursday we had to take him back to our vet. Friday was a good day. Saturday looked to be good until the evening when he started with his breathing again. Nothing seemed to help, but he didn't get real bad. Sunday he had attacks off and on and was still going at it when we got up this morning. Another trip to the vets was called for so I got things ready and as I went to get him, usually a very cooperative cat he decided to hide under the bed. Far enough under where I couldn't reach him. Finally it meant moving boxes out from under the bed and using a broom to push him out the other side. Mission accomplished. Cat in carrier. Overnight bag packed just in case. Off to the vets. She is keeping him for observation and is going to add an anti-anxiety medication for him so he will be calm when he does come home. We will call tomorrow morning at 11 a.m. to see how he is doing and if he can come home. If not we will go visit him. They did get a chuckle out of the overnight bag. All his favorite foods, a favorite mat to lay on, my nightshirt so he will still have my scent, etc. I wonder why they call our cats the Johnson children :-).
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