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Tuesday, May 13, 2003
My score was 15
Quiz: Are you too vain? Margot Carmichael Lester, Match.com Can you walk by a mirror without checking yourself out? Do you seize every available opportunity to make sure there's not a single hair out of place? Caring about your appearance is admirable, but there is such a thing as carrying it too far. Take this quiz to calculate your vanity quotient. 1. If you had a vanity plate on your ride, it would read: • 2HOT4U (Score = 1) • AS IF (Score = 2) • GR8CATCH (Score = 3) • JUST4YOU (Score = 4) • DREAMON (Score = -1) 2. When you get a little full of yourself, your friends call you this nickname: • I'm too cool for nicknames (Score = 1) • Vainy Vainerberg (Score = 2) • Mr. Big or Miss Thang (Score = 3) • I don't get full of myself. (Score = 4) • I don't really have any friends (Score = -1) 3. You're invited to a last-minute come-as-you-are party. You: • Placate the host by saying you'll show, but have no intention of doing so. (Score = 1) • Streamline your beauty routine and arrive fashionably late. (Score = 2) • Decline. You simply don't have enough time to get ready. (Score = 3) • Jot down the coordinates and head out as you are. (Score = 4) • Know that even on your least-prepared day, you're way more attractive than everyone else. (Score = -1) 4. Which TV show's title best describes your self-image: • Absolutely Fabulous (Score = 1) • Will & Grace (Score = 2) • Survivor (Score = 3) • Law & Order (Score = 4) • American Idol (Score = -1) 5. Your motto is: • Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. (Score = 1) • I look marvelous. (Score = 2) • You have to take the good with the bad. (Score = 3) • I'm terrific just the way I am. (Score = 4) • I never met a mirror I didn't like. (Score = -1) Scorecard Less than 0: Your ego is huge. If you don't bring it down a notch, you're going to get knocked off your high horse. 0-5: "You're So Vain" really WAS written about you. 6-10: You hold yourself in pretty high regard, but others may find it a turn-off. 11-15: You've got a little attitude, but it's easily managed. 6-20: You've got the right mix of humility and confidence. And that is VERY sexy. Got just the right amount of confidence? Now's the time to search for singles near you.
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