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Life According to Zephyr
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Friday, May 30, 2003
Good one this week. One that actually makes you think!
1. What do you most want to be remembered for? For writing the great American novel… since I will probably never get it written, then I would like to be remembered for being a good friend. 2. What quotation best fits your outlook on life? Sing like you don’t need the money, Love like you’ll never get hurt, Dance Like nobody’s watching. 3. What single achievement are you most proud of in the past year? Hmmm….in the past year… I guess I would have to say I am most proud of having helped my husband lose more weight and for helping him see there is still some sunshine in the world. 4. What about the past ten years? For taking the chance to follow a dream I have had since my early teens and finally open my own music production company. It only lasted three fun filled years, but we did produce a CD, a follow up demo, manage on two others, and do promotional and sales for a number of other musicians. I had the time of my life. 5. If you were asked to give a child a single piece of advice to guide them through life, what would you say? Take pride in yourself, your family, your life, and your job regardless of whether you are the owner of a large corporation or the janitor who sweeps up. Everyone has value.
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