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Wednesday, May 21, 2003
From We Have Brains we are challenged to answer the question are we who we are by nature or by nurture? To read the entire question you can link to their blog. But here is my response.
Recently AOL put out a poll asking if Annika Sorenstam deserves to compete in the Colonial PGA tournament. It is a moot point now as she is competing, but it was the nature of the questions that bothered me… you were given choices between Yes, women are just as good as men (an ambiguous question if there ever was one) No, women should not compete with men I’m not sure. ( I always like seeing this response...i mean why even bother responding if you're not sure :-)) And here is where my point begins. Biology, or nature, determines our sex, but having a penis or vagina does not determine who we will be. It is through nurturing by parents, friends, and social acceptance that we develop and grow. Male and female start out equal physically, mentally and emotionally. It could be argued ALL Men are not created equal. The question regarding Annika could also have read should a 5’4” 120 lb. man be allowed to compete alongside men who are 6’ and 220 lbs.? It could also be argued that men (given equal weight and height) are physically stronger than women. But this concept is nurtured through childhood development and not always a true statement. A 115 lb. female body builder is stronger than a 115 lb. man who is not a body builder. And probably stronger than a lot of men who outweigh her. We are looking at antiquated concepts if we still believe all men are physically stronger than all women. By the time we reach junior high boys are encouraged to join sports, excel in math and sciences, take shop, etc. Are men and women different intellectually by nature? Now, I can only speak from my generation, but when I was in school when it came to math and science girls were seated in the back of the room and basically ignored. They are nurtured to not be too intelligent and not “show up” the boys or they won’t have dates. They won’t be popular. Girls are encouraged to learn how to attract a boy. By nature girls can learn just as quickly as boys, but by nature we still put girls in the “don’t bother your pretty little head with details” category. Girls were encouraged to excel in English, writing, the arts, while boys were again looked upon as sissies if they even admitted to liking poetry and were not expected to be able to spell as well as the girls. While the boys were making the grade on the sports field or in the math classes the girls were winning the spelling bees and poetry contests. A separation encouraged and nurtured by the educational system. We are taught that women mature emotionally quicker than boys, but let’s look at this. Boys are taught not to cry or they will be called a sissy. Girls are taught it’s okay to cry because women should be weak and vulnerable. By nature it is natural to cry when sad or hurt or just plain upset. But by ‘nurture’ crying is associated with weakness and we all know boys must be strong. The question was also broached regarding sexual preference. Is this determined by nature at birth? If we look at the number of gay people who get married to hide their gayness, I would have to say we are born with our sexual preference instilled. We cannot change it and to try to change it only ads confusion to your life. Since it is a crime in most religions to have same sex relationships many gay people try to pretend they are not gay. They are nurtured, by parents who don’t want friends and relatives to find out, to believe their gayness is wrong and they are wrong to feel this way. Even now with more openness regarding gays I still believe many feel they will be chastised for going against ‘nature’ so pretend they are something they are not…straight. To sum up my response it is my feeling boys and girls start off equal, but are nurtured to be different. That gays are born gay by nature, but are nurtured to hide their gayness for fear of discrimination.
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